Thursday, December 17, 2015

Inquiry Food Share

Hello Team Believe Families-

On Monday, our team was able to participate in a Cultural Food Share. Students were able to bring in a food that represents the culture they are currently researching or a food that is a tradition in their family. Students were able to travel into the different classrooms to try a variety of different foods from different cultures. Foods ranged from Zucchini Bread to Haggis to Korean Beef. Many of the students were bold and daring in their food tasting! It was so fun to see, share, and try! Thank you to all of the families who spent time preparing the food! It all tasted delicious!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Holiday Folk Fair!
Last Friday the 4th and 5th Graders attended Folk Fair at State Fair Park. This was a part of our culture inquiry. Each student has chosen a culture to research, with the goal of creating a presentation and a written piece to share before winter break. Our experience at the fair included: dance, food, cultural exhibits, music and a market place full of products from different countries and cultures.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Celebrating Different Cultures

Hello Team Believe Families!

Last week, we were able to have a museum walk in our 4th/5th grade hallway to celebrate the holidays of Day of the Dead, Obon, and Halloween. We worked to compare and contrast the different traditions and to learn more about their cultural roots. As activities, we wrote letter to our ancestors, made Obon lanterns, and made sugar skulls to commemorate Day of the Dead. Check out some of the fun pictures below!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Reading is MONSTEROUSLY Wonderful!

As Team Believe revs up for the Book Fair and Harvest Dance this weekend, we wanted to share with you the hard work our students put in to decorating our classroom doors. Check out the link below to see our doors! Ask your child which door is their classroom's!

Also, a friendly reminder that conferences for the 4th graders will take place on Monday, October 26th and Tuesday, October 27th. See you then!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Beginning of the 2015-16 School Year

Welcome to Team Believe! Our team consists of Ms. Griep's class (Room 302), Mrs. Dubnicka's class (Room 303), Mrs. Brengosz's class (Room 305), Mrs. Erickson's class (Room 306) and Mrs. Wilke's class (Room 308)

Joining us, as interns, are Mrs. Novitski and Mr. Van

Our school year has started with some fantastic activities and new routines!
Look through our collection of pictures and text to see what has been happening.
Reading with our buddies!

Every other Friday we share an activity with our buddy classes

Math fun with oreos

Stacking oreos was a way to learn about mean, median and mode